Thursday, June 30, 2011

To Heal a Heart, Train Harder - Wall Street Journal Article

I read an interesting Article in the Wall Street Journal by Katherine Hobson titled "To Heal a Heart, Train Harder" that explored the use of Cycle Training to heal the heart. Evidence is growing that Cycle Training, exercises performed to increase and lower heart rates, can be good for someone who is recovering from heart surgery.  Hobson discusses how Cycle Training is effective for Athletes and is widely used in training and then provides some statistics around the benefits for recovering heart patients. Of course, Cycle Training for heart patients needs to be approved by a Physician and the evidence is still being gathered, but since I am a strong supporter of Cycle Trianing, I found the article to be supportive of the approach that I and many other Fitness Trainers employ with our clients.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Eating late is OK as long as you eat throughout the day

I am providing a link to the article below because it answers a question that I am asked all of the time. According to the article it is fine to eat late but in doing so it is also important to eat throughout the day or the dinner meal will become the BIG MEAL which is not good.  So space out your eating and if you eat late not big deal.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Strong Vote for Exercise, Recession Buster-Belly Shrinker.

The Exercise World is becoming a hot industry as more and more we recognize that exercise is important to fight the growing trend in the U.S. and the world towards Obesity. Whether is is hiring a personal trainer or just joining a Health Club and following the advice of those at the Health Club, I see nothing but upside for the Health and Fitness Industry. The arrangement is a WIN/WIN/WIN. Good for business, Good for employment, Good for People living a healthy lifestyle to avoid health realted costs later in life. Here is a good Headline Recession Buster, Belly Shrinker! - Group: Doctors' Input on Weight, Exercise Key to Fighting Obesity - Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Relax and breathe.  This is a simple concept but one that is easily missed when trying to get in the best workout.  Your body works best when muscles are relaxed and muscles won't be relaxed unless you remember to breathe.  When you sprint most people know that it is important to breathe and to not tense up your muscles.  This works for training as well.  so, next time you work out remember to breathe.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cycles and Heart Beats

One of my clients is really enjoying cycle work outs and monitoring his heart beat during the cycles and so I thought that I would write about it.  For Cycle training, I choose two weight lifting style exercise and one tough cardio exersice.  As we move through the cycle your heart rate increases and then peaks during the cardio exercise.  We take a pause and then we repeat the cycle twice more.  The cycles change things up but most importantly they generate a work out that focuses against my clients' objectives.  In the case of the client who got me to write about cycles the objective was weight loss and muscle building.  Cycle away!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wellness Foods: Algae Gaining Popularity As Omega Oils Source

Is it time for some Seaweed? If you want to improve your health maybe so. Look for Algea to start shoing up on labels.

Wellness Foods: Algae Gaining Popularity As Omega Oils Source

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SmartMenu offers diners customized meals based on dietary needs |

Technology continues to enable the way we eat whether at Home or Away from Home. Here is a good example of technology at work for those that want choices when eating away from home.

SmartMenu offers diners customized meals based on dietary needs