Monday, December 19, 2011

Weather the Holidays!

Cut 3,500 calories with smart holiday swaps

I have written before about how to make it through the Holidays while staying on track with your fitness program. How are you doing so far? The attached link that discusses tips for reducing calorie intake over the Holidays was timely for me and I hope that it is timely for you. There is no need to let the Holidays bring you down. Try the tips in the article and find that moderation is the key and having fun is what get you through.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Now this is balance that sounds good

Cutting carbs just 2 days a week can spur weight loss

If you have tried the no Carb diet or the low calorie diet, then you know that both diets can be boring and the lack of variety ends up short circuiting your plans. Now here comes a study that says that a mixture of diets can be effective. No carbs for two days and a moderate diet for the others and you can still lose weight. I hope that ther is not a fault in the research because this diet sounds too good to be true. At any rate, i think that I wil try it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Learn How To Eat - Really

I  came across the following qoute from a Fitness expert:

The first lesson of proper nutrition is learning how to eat. We do this by sitting down, chewing, breathing, and focusing on our meal, not the TV or computer."
--Lance Breger, co-founder of the Infinity Wellness Foundation, as quoted by the Chicago Tribune

This is a very simple concept but does anyone really practice it?  With today's many options to keep us entertained, is it any wonder that we are not ever really concentrating on the actual act of eating.  Maybe there was a time when we sat around the table together and the focus was the meal but today it seems that those times are few and far between.  I am going to try to learn how to eat and see what happens, mybe you can try it to?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Another positive for Exercise

Exercising can lead to better food choices according to the linked article.  This makes sense to me and I am a big fan of letting you know when what makes sense is supported by scientific evidence.  I like to blend my fitness training with training about the right foods to eat and when the two work so well together, I feel great about this approach!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just keep at it and be reasonable during the Holidays

The Holidays are a time for family, fun and great food.  Give yourself a break and enjoy the Holidays but also make a cmmitment now to stay focused on your Physical Training.  Reailize that a few pounds may be gained during the Holidays but also realize that you can keep your overall health plans on track.  You are in control of your metabolism and putting fuel in the fire.  The alternative is to palce to much stress on yourself during the Holidays and then lose work out momemtum.  So give yourself a break and have fun!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Concentrate on the work out not the Muscle Names

I agree with the pont of View of the Fitness Trainers qouted in the linked article.  The main objective for a great workout is to show my clients how to do the exercises correctly and how to follow a regime.  If they are interested in the muscles that are being targeted I will tell them but in most cases they trust that I know which exercises will work best to meet their work out needs.  The trust is based upon results and isn't that the true barometer of whether or not you have a good trainer?

Friday, November 4, 2011

From the Ivory Tower it is easy to criticize

I like the reality show The Biggest Loser becuse of it's focus on exercise and eating right. I get that the contestants are put in a better position to succeed than most people. However, the contestants are there because they have major issues with obesity and they need help. Sitting in an office somewhere, it is easy to take shots at the show as being unrealistic and over promising. These critics whom make their thoughts known in the attached article are really misisng the whole point of the show and really need to engage their left brains a liitle bit more. The show is about motivation, hard work, discipline and yes, forbid the word, results. My left brain says, keep going Biggest Loser, keep motivating thousands of people to lose weight and to make progress.

Medical News: 'Biggest Loser' Sends Wrong Message on Weight Loss - in Meeting Coverage, APHA from MedPage Today

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Growing up healthy: food for thought - 13 WTHR

Brain Foods in the morning are ther sure fire way to start your day off strongly. I prefer a combination of Eggs and Egg Beaters with some veggies thrown in for extra flavor. If I am in a hurry then I go with a peanut butter and protein shake. It is good to see that I am feeding my brain corectly in the morning. Are your morning foods on the attacghed list?

1) Milk and Yougurt
3) Oatmeal
4) Peanut Butter

Growing up healthy: food for thought - 13 WTHR

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good News for Mid Age Weight Loss

A major Study, that is qouted in the New York Times, concludes that an obese youth whom later in life loses weight can decrease his or her chances of heart disease.  This is a bit of a turn around from an earlier study that concluded that if you are obese as a child then your chances of heart disese are the same as when you reach middle age.  To me, this current Harvard Study reinforces the market for middle age Fitness Training and is very timely.  Not only can losing weight in our middle age make us look and feel great, it also reduces our chances of dying from heart disease.  The opportunity to help people is what fulels my passion for Physical Fitness and Nutritonal eating.

Enjoy the article.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Applauding efforts to provide more exercise for Students at an early age

I read a New York Times article which I am linking to that discusses how teachers who are strapped for funds by their schools are coming up with new ways to provide exercise for their students.  This is out of the box or should I say classroom thinking that breaks through the accepted to create a new better atmoshere. Why should students sit behind desks all day when lessons can be taught while exercise is ocurring or short breaks can be taken that allow exercise?  I applaud teachers for coming up with these new ideas.  Some teachers go even further creating running clubs that not only provide exercise but provide the opportunity for Students to feel good about themselves and recognize that through achievment they can change.  We do not read enogh positive articles about teachers rather we hear about the bad schools and the bad teachers all of the time.  It is nice and refreshing to read about teachers that have ignored barriers and come up with creative ways to solve problems like, in this case, the lack of sufficient exercise for their young students.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fuel for work out - US NEWS Article

I found some good advice for eating before a work out that I want to share.  It is important to eat before a work out to fuel your way through it.  I like the idea of shakes.  The simple Bagel and Jam idea is a good idea as well.  The key is to get the most from your work out and what and when you eat before hand has an impact.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Exercise to reduce heart attack risk - More Data from USA TODAY

It makes sense that a strong exercise regiment reduces the risk of Heart Disease and Heart attack.  But what I really like is when the scientists release a study that concludes the same.  Studies like the one referenced in the USA TODAY article below will only help to motivate men to exercise more vigorously and they support me in my misison to be a passionate advocate of Physical Fitness Training.  I can make a good case for Training but when I have facts to back me up my case becomes even more compelling! So get off the couch and into a Gym.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

High Tech Food Tracing, a look at the future

Imagine going to the supermarket and scanning the code on your package of seafood to find out where and when it was caught and when it arrived at the store.  Does this sound like a scene from a science fiction movie?  We shouldn't be surprised that this technology is currently in use and growing.  The implications for thsi technology are many from Food Safety to food knowledge.  Enjoy the article below and be on the look out as you shop for more inforamtion than you ever thought was possible!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its the Quality not the Quantity of Calories

I  like the attached article because it lays out the case for choosing foods based upon their nutritional value versus a calorie comparison in a very clear and logical way.  Finding the right balance for your diet can really make a difffernce and should be an integral part of your total fitness plan.  Diet and Fitensss are partners and the more we know about the diet the better we will be able to take on a great fitness program.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fiber’s weight management potential depends on structure

Strides are being made in discovering what types of Fibers have the most impact on weigfht loss. I expect to see much more attention to this topic in the future as diet and exercise will form the core of any great weight loss program and Fitness Clubs have been expanding their reopurces devoted to marketing nutritional supplements. The attached article is a little heavy on the resding side but does highlight how far biology has come and the bright fututre for the nutrition business.

Fiber’s weight management potential depends on structure

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Change Clubs - Great Idea

I like the linked article below that was published in the USA Today about Miriam Nelson and he goal to increase Fitness across America through Social Clubs that she is calling Change Clubs.  She is a strong advocate of balancing eating and fitness to live a long and active life.  Part of her recommendation is to participate in strength training three times a week.  I see Miriam;s idea as a natural extnsion of the win,win,win oppportunity for the Fitness Industry.  Consumer's win, the Government wins and the Fitness Industry Wins.  I give Miriam a big thumbs up.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teamwork for Fitness

I like the fact that the top colleges are hiring registered dieticians(RD) to plan food programs for athletes. Please check out the link below. This is a natural extension to a holistic approach to fitness training. The hiring of RDs will be a trend that will become mainstream int he next few years.  It's all part of the Win, Win, Win for the Government, the Industry and the Consumer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bringing Fitness Facilities to the Truck Drivers

I do not know if you have visited any of the Flying J or Pilot Truck Stops but if you have then you have seen a sprawling location that caters to the many needs of the Trucker from computers to showers to restaurants. Now, per the linked article below, truckers will have access to work out facilities.  This is a very good idea and promotes well being in a creative way.  I like the idea and the objective that is behind it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Big Chain adds Oatmeal

Check out the link below and see that Burger King is now offering Oatmeal joining chains like McDonalds and Starbucks.  I am gald to see it and applaud the "better late the never" effort of Burger King.  Give us choice!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Measure Bites- New Technology keeps track of bites

I really like the idea of measuring how much we are putting in our mouths because over eating can really throw a good training program off track.  Eating behavior is learned and can with discipline be unlearned.  Tools like the tool being dicussed in the article that I am linking from USA Today can really help.  I love technology that enables new skills.

Keep Tracking!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Gear: Distinct running shoes take off

With explosion in Fitness Training it is not surprising to see an explosion in the types of shoes available.
The key for me is to number one know what kind of training you ar doing and then number two realize that
the types of shoes availble are expanding quickly and there may be a perfect shoe available.
Technology is fun but it takes having objectives in place before looking in to the best technology!

Gear: Distinct running shoes take off

Friday, August 5, 2011

Boomers to Eat Healthier

I have written before about the win/win/win coming at us on the Fitness business and the article below really highlights how Boomers will be eating more healthy and be challenging themselves to get in better shape.  I believe that a Fitness plan that is comprised of exercise and healthy eating is the booming trend(excuse the pun) that is headed our way!  The future is bright, a win for boomers, a win for the U.S with less healthcare costs and a win for the Fitness Industry.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Healthy Leaders, Healthy Businesses

Healthy Leaders, Healthy Businesses

As a Fitness Trainer, I focus against putting together a training schedule that can accomodate busy lifestyles. While I am flexible, the commitment gained through a training schedule helps to make training as much of a priority as other priorities in one's life. The linked srticle does a nice job of highlighting how a healthy leader can be a more effective leader. Leaders are focused people that sometimes sacrafice a healthy lifestyle to meet obligations. My goal is to show how exercise and eating better can fit a busy lifestyle and in fact help to positively influence performance on the job. Enjoy the article.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Smaller Portions make sense

I am a fan of eating smaller portions multiple times per day to keep the metabolism burning.  The attached article talks about findings by NPD, a leading Food Research Company, that cites smaller protions as a growing trend for X and Y generation consumers.  Just remember to get protein with your ssmaller portions and you will be on the right track.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oatmeal choices abound

Mc Donald's started it and then Starbucks joned in.  Now Chik- fil - A has developed and is offering Oatmeal.  It is great to see Fast Food Restaurnts respond so quickly when consumers show interst in healthy foods.  Good News in MY book!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

When it's this Hot you need to change it up

With the heat wave we are now seeing across the country, I was interested in the impact of the Hot Weather on working out and the body.  As the body temperature rises, the heart rate increases.  Therefore, less activity in the heat burns more calories than activity in a cooler climate.  Additionally, the body needs water and in the heat the water is used quickly and needs to be replenished often.  Whe you stop sweating you know that dehysration  and heat stroke are close behind.  So my advice is to change up your exercise when it is this hot especially if you are outside and get plenty of fluid.  Make the Heat work for you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Weighted results | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

I am interestd in studies about how Metabolism contributes to one's diet and one's exercise plans. This area of study is relatively new and expanding every
day. As I have said in the past I am a big believer of cusomized work out plans. Seems to me that knowing how my clients metabolism responds to diet and
exercise is a very important part of how a cusomized plan can take shape.

Weighted results & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

Monday, July 11, 2011

Freshens Smoothies get even bettter

If you are a big Smoothie fan like I am then you will also appreciate that Smoothie makers like freshens continue to improve their products making them healthier but not at the expense of taste.  Check it out.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Working out with a full stomach is just fine

The attached link is to an article that busts the myth that working out on an empty stomach leads to greater weight loss.  I always like it when the data busts a myth.  I recommend taking supplements prior to a work out.  I am glad that science backs me up now.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

To Heal a Heart, Train Harder - Wall Street Journal Article

I read an interesting Article in the Wall Street Journal by Katherine Hobson titled "To Heal a Heart, Train Harder" that explored the use of Cycle Training to heal the heart. Evidence is growing that Cycle Training, exercises performed to increase and lower heart rates, can be good for someone who is recovering from heart surgery.  Hobson discusses how Cycle Training is effective for Athletes and is widely used in training and then provides some statistics around the benefits for recovering heart patients. Of course, Cycle Training for heart patients needs to be approved by a Physician and the evidence is still being gathered, but since I am a strong supporter of Cycle Trianing, I found the article to be supportive of the approach that I and many other Fitness Trainers employ with our clients.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Eating late is OK as long as you eat throughout the day

I am providing a link to the article below because it answers a question that I am asked all of the time. According to the article it is fine to eat late but in doing so it is also important to eat throughout the day or the dinner meal will become the BIG MEAL which is not good.  So space out your eating and if you eat late not big deal.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Strong Vote for Exercise, Recession Buster-Belly Shrinker.

The Exercise World is becoming a hot industry as more and more we recognize that exercise is important to fight the growing trend in the U.S. and the world towards Obesity. Whether is is hiring a personal trainer or just joining a Health Club and following the advice of those at the Health Club, I see nothing but upside for the Health and Fitness Industry. The arrangement is a WIN/WIN/WIN. Good for business, Good for employment, Good for People living a healthy lifestyle to avoid health realted costs later in life. Here is a good Headline Recession Buster, Belly Shrinker! - Group: Doctors' Input on Weight, Exercise Key to Fighting Obesity - Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Relax and breathe.  This is a simple concept but one that is easily missed when trying to get in the best workout.  Your body works best when muscles are relaxed and muscles won't be relaxed unless you remember to breathe.  When you sprint most people know that it is important to breathe and to not tense up your muscles.  This works for training as well.  so, next time you work out remember to breathe.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cycles and Heart Beats

One of my clients is really enjoying cycle work outs and monitoring his heart beat during the cycles and so I thought that I would write about it.  For Cycle training, I choose two weight lifting style exercise and one tough cardio exersice.  As we move through the cycle your heart rate increases and then peaks during the cardio exercise.  We take a pause and then we repeat the cycle twice more.  The cycles change things up but most importantly they generate a work out that focuses against my clients' objectives.  In the case of the client who got me to write about cycles the objective was weight loss and muscle building.  Cycle away!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wellness Foods: Algae Gaining Popularity As Omega Oils Source

Is it time for some Seaweed? If you want to improve your health maybe so. Look for Algea to start shoing up on labels.

Wellness Foods: Algae Gaining Popularity As Omega Oils Source

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SmartMenu offers diners customized meals based on dietary needs |

Technology continues to enable the way we eat whether at Home or Away from Home. Here is a good example of technology at work for those that want choices when eating away from home.

SmartMenu offers diners customized meals based on dietary needs

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tug on the Ropes

One of my favorite exercises for cardio and strength training is the use of the long, thick ropes.  There are two ropes each about 3 inches wide and about 20 feet long.  To begin the exercises, you stretch the ropes so that they are tight.  Then what happens next are various exercises such as moving the ropes up and dwon together, up and down in opposite directions and both around in a loop.  I ask the trainee to move the ropes as fast as possible and time each exercise for 10 seconds.  Usually, I will go with three exercises in a row but I could go with more as well.  The result is a great cardio work out and development of strenth in the arms and shoulders.  It's a tough 30 to 40 second work out but it has a great pay-off.  Give it a shot.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Top-Selling Superfoods - CNBC

I wanted to share this story and slideshow about the best selling Super fruits. How many have you tried and how many are you still eating.  These fruits are all great for smoothies.

Top-Selling Superfoods - CNBC

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Protein Shake

Thought that I would write to share my favorite Protein shake.  I use Ice, Organic Peanut Butter and Isopure and blend thoroughly.  This concoction gives me a lot of energy and I think you will like it too.  It's easy and it works.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Here is the link referenced before

This article makes some great points.  There are so many new techniques being used today that I think will make working out a great experience for kids.

Trend are positive for Fitness Trainers

The artice that I have linked to is interesting and highlights a tend that I am seeing as well.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Free wieights and resisitance bands

I just completed training an older client and used a combination of exercises starting with free weights and then moving to resistance exercises like bands and heavy balls.  The combo seemed to work well as my client was not ready for a full work out with free weights alone.  There are number of resistance exercises that I can use to build muscle strength and by using these exrecises I can get good results from someone who has not used freee weights in a long time.  My client was impressed by the different resistance exercises and especially enjoyed resistance curls.  Mix it up and make execising more fun and effective.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Keep it going

One of the toughest times when training someone new is to keep the work outs going after that initial period of time such as past two weeks.  There are two ways that I use to get through this important period. The first is through measuring progress. By measuring and complimenting progress, I can keep my customer focused on his or her objective.  When the objective is the focus versus the thoughts about getting tired of training, the work outs become secondary to progress.  The second way that I keep the energy going is through doing a variety of exercises so that the work outs do not become repetitive.  That said, I try to understand which exercises are most liked and getting the best results and then I choose from that list.  So to get through the early stages of getting fit, I keep the goal in mind and I change it up.  It works well.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fast eaters

I really found it intersting when I heard statistics that showed that America ranks in the top third of fastest eaters in the world and ranked in the top third for obesity.  We eat a meal in an average of 14 minutes.  maybe we shoud slow down and enjoy our food if our fast paced lives would ever allow it.  Beyond impacting obesity rates maybe we could actually take a second to reflect etc.?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good Weather

Is the good weather finally cominjg to the midwest?  Yo got to hope so. Now that it is here, the mood is to rush out and start intensive trianing.  One word of caution however. If you have not laid the foundation then you need to start slow and buld up to the intensity that you want. Just don't want you to have a setback now tha the weather is going to be great!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eating All Day Long

Contrary to what many people think, eating all day long is important to keep your metabolism performing at peak levels.  You have to eat the right kinds of food, such as high protein foods, but it is important to eat 6 times a day.  Yes, good results come even if you eat a high protein evening snack as your last meal of the day.  So eat often and eat right and watch your body do it's work.

Importance of a cusomized work out.

Importance of a customized work out

Before I start training, I always ask about personal goals.  It is a bad idea to use a pre programmed work out for everyone.  Do you:
1. Want to increase strength?
2. Lose weight?
3. Increase cardio?
4. Train for a race?

Based on your answer, I can tailor a work out to meet your needs.