Before you read this post you must read article by Cory Gregory. I found this article very interesting for a couple different reasons. First off I have hard of calorie splurging before, but this one was different because of the foods Cory listed compared to foods I have seen from other sources. Usually the high calorie day would consist of whatever you could get your hands on such as, high sugary snacks and "cheat meals". Ok so heres the difference, in Cory's whopping 6,400 calorie day he was eating only eggs, cashews, beef, and cheese! That is it. Albeit that comes out to being over 24 whole eggs in one single day! Now this caught my eye because I have read books talking bout its not so much the calories you eat, but what you eat. The article goes into talking about hormonal responses from food. As we all know the more sugar and carbohydrates we eat the more we build up a insulin insensitivity, which can cause a rise in blood glucose levels.
Ok so what the hell am I saying???? Basically I am going to personally give something similar to this high calorie day from clean foods a try. Clean I mean low sugar and carbohydrates. I think Cory might be on to something. He also talks about low-fat days as well, maybe to balance out all the fat from the calorie day? I am going to post what I ate and how I felt from my personal experience with this later. Until then folks :)